Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Orders from SMKA Sect 18 students~!!

Konnichiwa minna-san こんにちはみんなさん~!!
Salam n hye everyone~!!

My youngest bro, Aslam, brought his PS Vita pencil case & name keychain to school. And lucky for me, his friends were insterested in my handmade. Thus, a few of them have placed orders.

2. 1 pc PS Vita pencil case
3. 1 pc barret rifle keychain

back side

back side

I really had a tough time making the barret rifle keychain. And I'm not very happy with the end result, huhu~.. T_T

Anyway, domo arigato to these students for ordering from GPC.

Arigato gozaimasu ありがとうございます~!!
Thanks for browsing & happy shopping~!!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Orders from Amisya Suraya~!!

Konnichiwa minna-san こんにちはみんなさん~!!
Salam n hye everyone~!! 

Amisya Suraya has requested GPC to make 2 pcs retangular pencil cases. The designs and colours are of her choice. So here are the results...

Honto ni arigato to Amisya for ordering from GPC. And gomen ne for the lateness since I was busy wif exams, hehe..

Arigato gozaimasu ありがとうございます~!!
Thanks for browsing & happy shopping~!!

Friday, 11 January 2013

Orders from Nuha~!!

Konnichiwa minna-san こんにちはみんなさん~!!
Salam n hye everyone~!! 

2 weeks ago, I received an order from Nuha, who I know from the blogosphere. She requested for me to make mini rectangular pillows, each the size of half an A4 paper. It was to be posted to her fren for her b'day. Hope both Nuha & her fren like them. ^_^

comparing size wif a tissue box...

Feedback from Nuha
And before I forget to mention, the designs for the pillows are actually inspired by the ones made by my crafter fren, Yui. Here are her pillows that were the inspiration: (I have asked for permission from Yui to use her design)

Click here for her post

Domo arigatou to Nuha for ordering from GPC. :3

Arigatou gozaimasu ありがとうございます~!!
Thanks for browsing & happy shopping~!!

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Orders from Aslam, my bro~!!

Konnichiwa minna-san こんにちはみんなさん~!!
Salam n hye everyone~!! 

My youngest bro, Aslam, has ordered a pencil case in the shape of a Sony PS Vita, and a stuffed name keychain. Making the pencil case was a big challenge for a newbie crafter as myself, no doubt about that. ">_<

Hence, these are the final results:

Honto ni arigato to my bro for ordering from your sis. Hehe.. ^_^

Arigato gozaimasu ありがとうございます~!!
Thanks for browsing & happy shopping~!!