Konnichiwa minna-san こんにちはみんなさん~!!
Assalam and hye everyone~!!
Greennpanda Craft (
GPC) is organising a giveaway. Read on below for the details.
1) Follow Greennnpandacraft's blog.
2) Share this GA post on your blog by making a post with the title "GPC Kawaii Octopus Giveaway".
3) Leave a comment on this GA post with your URL link of the shared post.
4) This GA runs from 1st Oct until 14th Oct 2018. Three (3) winners will win a kawaii octopus plushie each.
5) Open to all Malaysians or anyone who has a Malaysian address. Children under the age of 18 must have their parents' permission to provide details if they are one of the winners.
1) Ikuti blog Greennnpanda Craft.
2) Kongsi post GA ini di blog anda dengan membuat post berjudul "GPC Kawaii Octopus Giveaway".
3) Tinggalkan komen di post GA ini dengan URL link post yang telah dikongsi di blog anda.
4) GA ini berlangsung dari 1hb Okt hingga 14hb Okt 2018. Tiga (3) pemenang akan memenangi kawaii octopus plushie setiap seorang.
5) Terbuka kepada semua warga Malaysia atau sesiapa yg mempunyai alamat di Malaysia. Kanak² di bawah umur 18 tahun harus mendapatkan izin ibu bapa untuk memberi maklumat terperinci sekiranya menjadi salah seorang pemenang.
» Kindly email at greennnpandacraft@gmail.com for any enquiries/questions.
Samples of the giveaway prizes:
List of blog participants:
-- Click on the picture to enlarge and view --
Arigatou gozaimasu ありがとうございます~!!
Thanks for joining & good luck~!!